Of course, it is appropriate that web pages (displayed in a browser) contain some blurring for good looks (which becomes plainly visible if blown up to 1600% by Photoshop, etc.)
Of course, it is appropriate also that some images of a wireframe (such as icons) be blurred, because icons are created normally by a dithering process.
Although image blurring (for demonstration purposes) is appropriate and has a good look, such additional blurring is bad when images are extracted for reuse on a webpage, because the blurring will then happen twice (a doubled blurring will result).
To avoid this double-blurred problem, and for pixel art, the following method will set up for you a web browser which does not blur images:
- Download and install the latest SeaMonkey web browser:
- For your particular operating system, locate your profile folder by reading:
- Immediately below your profile folder, make sure a folder exists named, 'chrome' (not the Google browser), and that a file exists in the chrome folder called, 'userContent.css' (or create them).
- Append to userContent.css the following lines: all are for resampling of images by the desired (in this case) nearest-neighbor method:
(Note: I leave intact (below) some other browsers' settings for this, just in case you want to add these lines to your particular browser, in whatever way.)
/* Gecko (Firefox & Seamonkey) Webkit (Chrome & Safari) */ img { image-rendering: optimizeSpeed; /* Older Gecko */ image-rendering: optimize-contrast; /* CSS3 draft proposal */ image-rendering: -webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Webkit */ image-rendering: crisp-edges; /* CSS3 draft proposal */ image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges; /* Gecko */ image-rendering: -o-crisp-edges; /* Opera */ -ms-interpolation-mode: nearest-neighbor; /* IE8+ */ }References:
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/Image-rendering http://www-archive.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html#usercss
Copyright (c) 2012 Mark D. Blackwell.