Saturday, August 13, 2011

BASH (GNU shell for Unix) cheat sheet

While using the command-line shell, BASH (for Unixen, part of GNU (GNU's Not Unix), developed by FSF (Free Software Foundation), quite popular and superior), for a long time I employed just a few of its manipulation features for command lines -- just these, in fact:
!$ - last command's last argument
(C-r) - reverse search, through command history

Recently, I have wanted to combine multiple arguments from multiple commands. To help me remember how, I used the technique of making a cheat sheet. Interestingly, BASH is similar to the text editor, Emacs (as well as Nano). Here is a sample:

Key abbreviations:
(C-) - Ctrl
(M-) - Alt
(newline) - Enter
(rubout) - Backspace

Move the cursor:
(C-a) - beginning-of-line
(C-e) - end-of-line
(M-f) - forward-word
(M-b) - backward-word

Change text:
(M-t) - transpose-words

Kill and yank:
(C-k) - kill-line
(C-x rubout) - backward-kill-line
(M-d) - kill-word
(C-y) - yank

(tab) - complete
(M-/ M-/) - complete-filename
(M-g) - glob-complete-word
(M-?) - possible-completions
(C-x /) - possible-filename-completions

(C-_) - undo

Event designators:
(!-2) - command previous to last
(!-2:1-2) - second previous commands's first and second arguments
(!-2:0 !:3* !-2:2) - second previous command word plus its second argument, the last command's third and following arguments intervening

There's more on GitHub.

Copyright (c) 2011 Mark D. Blackwell.

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